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Lodole Bed & Breakfast is a labour of love. It took love to renovate and restore this traditional 17C cottage and rekindle its original glow of hospitality. Warm, cosy rooms, a spacious lounge with an open fireplace, raftered ceilings, original stone walls and floor, the Lodole cottage has all the charm of tradition. Situated on a hill inside the boundaries of the Molino del Pero Golf Club (on the Savena valley road in the Monzuno Municipality, about 35 minutes from Bologna) the cottage overlooks one of the most beautiful valleys in the Tusco-Emilian Apennines. A magical environment where you can live and breathe an atmosphere of bygone times and feel part of the family.

URL: http://www.lodole.com

Besuche: 113 | Bewertung: 0.00 | Stimmen: 0
Seit: 26-Jul-2006

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Aktualisiert am: 16-Feb-2016 - 20:01:21